A Functional Dermatology Approach to Long-Term Skin Health
Psoriasis is more than just a skin condition—it’s a systemic immune-mediated disorder that has been recognized for thousands of years. Historical texts from Ancient Egypt and Greece describe skin conditions resembling psoriasis, with early treatments including herbal remedies, sun exposure, and bathing in mineral-rich waters. Despite its long history, modern medicine still struggles to provide a true cure, often relying on treatments that suppress symptoms rather than address the underlying causes.

Today, psoriasis affects approximately 125 million people worldwide, accounting for about 2–3% of the global population. In the United States, an estimated 7.5 million people live with psoriasis, making it one of the most common autoimmune conditions. Research has shown that psoriasis is not just a skin condition—it’s linked to a higher risk of other conditions like cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, and even mental health disorders like anxiety and depression.
Why Root-Cause Identification and Holistic Approach Are Essential in Psoriasis Treatment
Conventional treatments often focus on symptom suppression rather than identifying and addressing the root causes of psoriasis. At Integrative Aesthetics Boston, we take a functional dermatology approach, using personalized medicine and advanced testing to uncover the hidden triggers driving inflammation and immune dysfunction.
We believe that every psoriasis case is unique, and true healing begins with understanding the factors contributing to your flare-ups. Through comprehensive assessment and testing, we identify key imbalances fueling your psoriasis.
By pinpointing the specific imbalances contributing to your psoriasis, we develop a personalized treatment plan targeting the root cause—leading to long-term and sustainable improvements rather than temporary relief.

Once we identify your personalized triggers, we create a customized, integrative plan to calm inflammation, restore gut and immune health, and support long-term skin healing.
✔️ Personalized Nutritional Therapy – to reduce flare-ups and rebuild the skin from within.
✔️ Microbiome & Gut Healing Treatments – Restoring and supporting gut integrity to reduce systemic inflammation and improve nutrient absorption.
✔️ Hormonal & Stress Balance Strategies – Using herbs, personalized lifestyle modifications, and stress-reduction techniques to regulate immune function and proper referral on a case-by-case basis.
✔️ Detoxification & Liver Support – Supporting the body’s natural detoxification pathways to clear inflammatory byproducts and environmental toxins.
✔️ Advanced Botanical Topical & Aesthetic Treatments – Supporting skin barrier repair through medical aesthetic treatments tailored for psoriasis-prone skin.

While conventional psoriasis treatments—such as steroids, immunosuppressants, and biologics—can provide temporary relief, they often come with significant side effects, including immune suppression, liver toxicity, and increased risk of infections. Instead of masking symptoms and creating new health concerns, our approach works with your body, not against it, promoting true healing and better overall health, not making it worse.
By addressing the root causes of psoriasis rather than just managing symptoms, we help you achieve long-term skin health and whole-body wellness.
1. 100% Customized Care: No templates, no cookie-cutter plans. Every treatment is designed specifically for your unique skin and health needs.
2. Root-Cause Focus: We don’t just treat symptoms; we address the deeper imbalances causing your acne.
3. Expert Guidance: With over a decade of experience and training in medical aesthetics, functional dermatology, and naturopathic medicine, we bring a holistic approach to every solution.
4. Sustainable Results: Our solutions are designed to heal from within, delivering lasting skin health and confidence.
5. Empowerment Through Education: We provide you with the knowledge and tools to manage your acne successfully so you feel confident and in control of your skin.